why does a smartwatch needs a sim card - answered and explained

Why Does My Smartwatch Need A SIM Card?

Picture this – You’ve just gone out for a run. You plug in your AirPods and open Spotify on your Apple Watch only to find out that it cannot connect to the Internet because you

best lte smartwatches

Best Smartwatches With Sim Card (LTE)

With the advent of wearable tech, more smartwatches have been entering the market every year. What was previously thought of as a gimmick now has serious markets in the space. Our phones, which were perhaps

is apple watch a luxury watch? Why are they so expensive?

Why Are Apple Watches So Expensive?

The Apple Watch is the most popular smartwatch out there. However, it is also one of the more expensive wearables that money can buy. This begs the question, why are Apple Watches so expensive in

apple watch on ankle

Can I Wear My Apple Watch On Ankle? 

The Apple Watch is a smartwatch that is traditionally worn on the wrist. But traditions are meant to be broken. With numerous fitness trackers citing their optimal placement on the ankle, this begs the question,

explaining why apple watch isn't great in all countries

Why Is The Apple Watch Not Good For Every Region?

The Apple Watch is available worldwide as a companion to your iPhone and other Apple devices. However, not everyone should purchase an Apple Watch, depending on where they live. This begs the question, why is

sauna apple watch

Can I Use Apple Watch In Sauna?

You head into the sauna after a long day and, in the sprawl of things, bring your Apple Watch with you too. This begs the question, can you use your Apple Watch in a sauna?

How Does Samsung Health Measure Blood Oxygen?

How Does Samsung Health Measure Blood Oxygen?

Samsung has been a pioneer in introducing fitness and health-related metrics into their smartwatches and phones. One such feature is the ability to measure your blood oxygen directly from the Samsung health application. This begs

counting steps with samsung health

How Does Samsung Health Measure Steps?

Samsung Health has an on-board feature that allows users to check how many steps they’ve taken throughout the day at any point. The feature in itself seems to be quite accurate and is quite useful.

are smartwatches allowed on airplanes

Are Smartwatches Allowed On Planes? (Explained)

Smartwatches are synonymous with our smartphones now. Personally, we’ve not been able to travel without either. However, with a recent trip we had to the airport, and with our anxiety churning up as we didn’t